
The RoboCrib uses rotating carousels to dispense items in less than seven seconds. It comes in three sizes and can hold 500 to 2500 bins in the machine (depending on the model), and can hold very large and small items. Most applications today include a few fast moving items and many slower moving items, making the flexibility of the RoboCrib the perfect choice.

The RoboCrib uses a stack of 15 round trays…imagine 15 pie tins with a pole running up through the middle of each pie… and each pie tin can be divided into multiple pie shapes from a 1/12 pie to a whole pie. Each pie section makes up one bin. The trays are made of high grade PVC plastic rather than metal but you get the picture. Three or more of these stacks sit on a round platter at the bottom of the machine called a carousel. The carousel and the stacks of trays rotate to bring items to the front of the machine where they can be dispensed. The dual action of spinning the pies while simultaneously spinning the platter makes for very fast dispensing times of less than 10 seconds for any item in the machine. There are 15 small doors on the front of the machine. Once the proper bin is in place, the door in front of it opens and the operator simply reaches in and takes the item they need.

This design has several distinct advantages over the helix coil machine. First, each bin can hold a unique item, meaning that if you have 500 to 2500 bins in the machine (depending on the model), you can have 500 to 2500 different item numbers in a single machine rather than just 70. Most applications today include a few fast moving items and many slower moving items making the RoboCrib the perfect choice.

Second, because the stacks more efficiently use space, you can pack a lot of inventory into a very small footprint. Third, because of the configurability of the bins, the RoboCrib can hold very large items and very small or delicate items in the same machine. Fourth, because of its powerful software, the RoboCrib can also force regrinds or reconditioned items to lower costs and it can also manage gauge calibration and many other complex inventory control tasks. Fifth, the RoboCrib virtually eliminates the need for repackaging, a very costly and time consuming task. Sixth, the RoboCrib can both issue and return items, an essential feature if you want to store reusable items or tools. Seventh,The RoboCrib can also track who took what when, so rather than spending valuable time looking for a tool that someone else is using, you can simply type in the tool you are looking for and the RoboCrib will tell you who has it and when they took it.

The RoboCrib is the most flexible of all of the vending machines which is why we call it the Swiss Army Knife of vending. If you are only going to have one vending machine, the RoboCrib is your most likely choice. Most of our customers deploy RoboCribs as the heart of their vending system.